Saturday, June 14, 2014

Transport policy? What transport policy?

Hot on the heels of parking being made free county wide for any driver making any journey - "a half mile commute in a single occupant vehicle? Well done madam: your free parking is this way. Is that Bergamot I can smell?" - comes news that Northumberland County Council is clawing back public transport subsidy from students, prompting:

first, millions of public pounds a year are found to reward private car users in Northumberland with free parking; some £713,000 a year in Morpeth alone.
Then public transport subsidy is axed for students.
Are these developments by any chance related? I think we should be told.
In similar redistributive vein, might the money we currently waste on school dinners be better spent handing out free bacon butties to car users on the Telford Bridge at morning rush hour?

but this one didn't get an airing on the Herald's letters page. I'm losing my touch.